
let me tell you about your unorganic four corners 

Yogis say to ground four corners

your feet to the earth

relying only on:

five toes,

one heel.


but this sacred soil

cannot bear our weight.


Your footprint’s behavior?



Water gives life, but even

a succulent can be waterboarded.

Is carbon dioxide not the same?

overflowing emerald gas, warm and giving

to the mineral floor and air above 

can erupt this balance.


Estimate your four corners,

I dare you.

Carbon dioxide billows from: 

your nose

your tagged new clothes

your car’s pipe

your chucked transparent flasks

your oiled patty oozing blood

your living cubicle conditioned air

your flights to four-corner derived views


Grass green not so lively,

a spherical chamber can suffocate

our future.

Melting our bones to three hundred degrees

like chemicals swallowed in polypropylene



with the victim 

we tortured.

Victoria Stark